First Naele zine I made more than two years ago and the last one I will show. Finally I close this chapter of my life.
This zine is an immersion in Naele's aesthetics and colour palette. The translucent pages blend together and create new images. I had a great time doing what I love, messing up images and combining the manual and tangible world with the digital and cold. Reflecting on the digital and physical body.Naele was a project to find myself at a time in my life when I wasn't used to that version of Elena. Now from a distance I know that this version of Elena also exists and I have to accept it and not treat it badly. This summer (2022) I became Naele or what Naele was for me at that moment (a girl who wants to run away from her past and dyes her hair to run away from everything and resurface). There is a phrase from a film by Almodovar that I always like to use but I never remember but it says something like "The more authentic you are the more you resemble what you have dreamed of yourself". At that moment in my life I wanted to perform the antithesis of how I perceived myself physically: to be a "woman", blonde, like the one's who appear in the movies.
If anyone wants to travel in my colours you can buy it (contacting me) for 13€ + sending fees.
Naele (video)
Naele (book1)
Welcome to Naele (book2)
Almost two years ago (2021) I started my project "Naele" in wich I wanted to work around the figure of the alter ego. Starting with a blonde wig. At the end I realized that more than an alter ego it ended up being an approach to myself and a reflection. I have been creating several works since then an this (video essay) is the first one I wanted to show and that serves as an introduction.
Naele arises from my need for constant change and to project my works on myself and my body, to be the work and the support of the work. Having an alter-ego gives you more security because you can use it to carry out actions, which in your own flesh would make you shy. I am a person who likes to play with his image and experiment with his appearance, the alter-ego allows me to make more changes. Like Cindy Sherman does with the characters that she creates for her images.
We will be able to see Naele made in blender, I made a representation quite faithful to the reality of my body. We see Naele in the infinite and unreal space of blender. I also have Naele in the networks, or creating an image of her from non-existent elements.
On the other hand, I wanted to show Naele in the real world, because although she does not exist or has a true identity document, she is someone who can be tangible, she is one more in the mass.
Seeing Naele's body represented with different media makes me think about the reality behind the screens and fiction. We constantly create or see images that appear to be real but have been created by someone on her computer. Every day it is more difficult to distinguish between reality and fiction. That is what happens with Naele, she can be seen in many ways and at the same time not exist.